Wednesday, March 16, 2005


sick of being sick

I am so tired of being sick. I have been sick since January with something. I AM DONE! I WANT SPRING TO COME! I figure if a few warm days would come I just might be able to get this cleared out.
Today is the day I am doing nothing. I am doing things for me. I just might take a nap.
Today I will wonder way Jesse is such a jerk. He is so self centering, so self serving, to hell with whatever one else needs. His needs come first. He is such a jerk. He just does not have a clue. He never will. Oh! How can I be in love with such a man like this. Only when I refuse to talk to him does he try to be nice......hum
Gee you would think he would be nicer be nope. All we hear around here is the fact that he is 43 and some other blah stuff. I keep telling him to get the hell out of the 50's. lol We left the 20th century maybe he should join us in the 21th century.
Maybe I am I just being nasty because I am being sick...........(thinking)............ NOPE.......... he is just being a jerk and wants his way all the. Gee I know some 2yr olds like that.
Well since today today is "my day" maybe I will fix this ugley blog. I hate the way it looks.

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