Friday, March 11, 2005


It still gets to me

March 11, 1989 I was married. September 14, 2004 I was divorced.
I have not been living with my ex husband since 2001 yet why does today bug me. My first and my only marriage, the only person I will have children to, the person that put the screws to me so bad. I just on some level don't understand why......
All my life I just wanted to get married and have children.... I just wanted to be a wife, mom and well work along the way. Well I had it all it was working, I was making it all happen. Then the bottom fell out. He got hurt and went back to using drugs it got worse the lies got worse. I lost my favorite job, found out about the Mastocytosis, depression got worse, marriage was over.
He use to use drugs. Yes, I know red flag but I gave him the benefit of the doubt he was to get clean. We were to raise our children together. Guess drugs have a better hold on people then we all seem to realize. Though there comes a time when you have to grow up and take control of your drug life and realize what the hell you are doing and what has been ruined
Gee I never thought about it in this way but it makes sense.

"Phat...Shit....Bomb...." Tom Cotter Comendy Central is pretty cool tonight.

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