Friday, February 25, 2005


Thinking about life

Trying to think positive about life. I have been so negative about EVERYTHING for so long. I need to be positive it will help with the depression, with my family generally with my life's situation.
today's words I have been reading "enjoy what you have." Live the life you have with the income you have. Money does not make you happy. (this I knew already from the money I use to make it did not make me happy just wanted more. I missed so much time with my boys but now I am not missing a thing. I am here with them for many reason and it is a good thing. I felt it was late at first but I now know it is never to late to be home for you kids.)
I have decided that I do not like my blog design but my computer will be leaving soon so I'm not sure I will have time to redesign it before it leaves for repairs. I am sad already. I should of just send it the other day but I could not let it go.
I did tell Jesse yesterday how much I appreciate him. I told my boys I love them and I gave them each a hug. I told Karley I loved her and hugged her but we always hug. I also told her I am proud that she is sticking up for herself with her mom. It is a great big improvement that she is able to tell that women she is lying. She is doing it in a subtle way but she is still getting her point across. I am proud of her. My boys stayed home tonight and played Magic they are actually getting along no fighting. Of course Zack is sleeping now but still it was a nice night.
Jesse poor guy is not feeling well so I sent him to bed at 7:30 he needs to rest so he is better so he can work next week. Guess I wore him out. :)
It all will work how things are finally coming together. I must have faith that God's plan is a good one for me this time. To often in my life I have been burdened with unbelievable experiences. It's time for a change.

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