Monday, February 21, 2005



The days have been really busy here at the old home.
I went to a Hockey funeral only to find out that Hockey just might not be dead. But I took pictures, signed the book, cried......laughed, though I did not make it to the wake I would not of been awake for the wake. lol.
Stil struggling with Jesse but it is a battle that will last for the rest of our lives, I guess. When you went something so bad.... and it always makes you cry..... how do you make it.... Yes I know that part of it is all my fault. I have not been on any depression meds for a month, my mom's birthday is coming and that is making me real sad, my boys are growing up and not needing me and it makes me even sadder. The Masto is kicking me in the ass.
Alex went to a club the other night I never expected him to like the idea. HE did!
Zack had friends over that had a blast 5 teenage boys in my house I was not ready for it. Thanks God Karley was not here.
ok more later.

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