Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Can't Sleep.......

Why is it I can't sleep when the sun is out the day before. I am wired for sound tonight. My mind is going at least 50 mph.
Saw a red bird today yes, a Robin, Spring is coming! Spring lets' hope will be early this year. Heck Easter is finally early again so why can't spring. Then just maybe we will have a real summer this year.
Made our reseveration today for Cape Henlopen State Park, can't wait to go. I love going there so much it is just like a second home.
Jesse and I had another "talk" we both want something so bad but how do you get there. I am still struggling with the trust and sex addicit stuff. Works are hard to forget sometimes. I did tell him that he needs to learn how to share. Sharing is an important part of this relationship.
Jeffrey: hum words don't have it for my worries for him. It's that time of year again.
Oh Jesse heard Staind "Fray" It reminds me of us in a way.
Well off to do Post Card Collecting research.

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