Sunday, January 30, 2005


This Weeks To Do List

Well it is time to stop feeling sorry for myself. I need to remember that I am a stronger person than all of this. Life sure has been a strugle, being a single mom, finding the right guy to date, keeping up with this house and of course there is the Masto and the depression. Yikes.
Well I am going to do a to do list for this week and try like hell to get it done. :)

Finish major cleaning my bedroom and the basement.
Tuesday see Rhoda: tell her Jesse thinks my visits to her are the cause of our problems. lol He's so funnnnnyyyyyyy.
Call to make Dr appt with Oncologist, Eye and Dentist (e& d for me and kids)
Find time for me to read / plan garden
Make it to church ( we have gotten away from this)
Walk 3 days 10 mins each day must start something. Walking might help with my depression.
Make a budget

That's the major stuff then of course there is the daily stuff. I am thinking I might start doing menu's again it might help with dinner again and the kids knowing what is for dinner ahead of time.

more later

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