Monday, January 31, 2005


The Sun

Gee two days in a row how did we get so blessed?
I have spring fever so bad already. You would think we were having a really bad winter. If I rearrange the house any more the kids will kill me. They know when I get ants in my pants I have to have the furniture moved. So off the furniture got moved yesterday gotta love it. Love having teenage boys that can do all the hard work for you now. Especially since you can't do it.
Ok do we really care about Michael Jackson. He is NASTY! All over the news I am sure there are other things going on in the world also that need some attention. He really does not need all this much attention. (soap box moment)
Finally feeling 95% better YEAH!!!!!! I hate being sick. The house does not run right with me being down.

My favorite movie line right now. " if there is something wrong with the bitch, there is something wrong with the pup" Gotta love Harry Potter movies.

More later I gotta run
Oh Jesse bought me 1/2 doz yellow baby roses yesterday they are so pretty. Men!

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