Monday, January 24, 2005



It is great to be on here again.

I must try so hard to think positive about the way things are and how things can be. I great friend once said, " you must surround yourself by happy people or you will never find happiness." I wish this friend would still be with me today. I have caused such great pain for my friend but maybe my friend is better off without me. For what kind of friend am I if I caused MF such pain. It is not right to be so selfish.

Day in and Day out my head goes around and around. I think so much about everything that is going on I often don't know if I am coming or going.

I finally sent in my paper for SSI. I prolonged it. YES I know dumb fool. I just was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I might not be able to work again. It is a strange thing that I am going through but I guess Iwill survive.

I see Dr H today I can only hope that I get some sort of new meds to help with the depression.

UPDATE: Well the Dr. change some of my meds as I knew she would and of course Jesse stayed in the truck. No new news there. I just only wish just once that he would come into the office. Just the support alone would me so much to me. Four weeks of trying new meds four weeks of waiting and seeing if this is going to work. More time to try and get myself together. I am trying so hard. It is so hard. I want to believe that it is going to happen.

I am so tired of Sponge Bob when will the kids (teenagers) get tired of him. Also what is the deal with him being gay. I must read more about this. Barney is gay! Sponge Bob? I miss cat/dog lol that was a strange cartoon.

Man reading other blogs is becoming addicting.

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