Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Men are pigs!

After watching Desperate Housewives last night I final came to the conclusion that you need young blood and big boobs. The closer I get to 40 the more I hate life. Women are not like men we are not as vane as they are we don't care if they get older. Hell I like my man older. I don't need to be looking at young one to wanna have sex with my man. My man is enough for me just seeing him on his Harely or in a pair of Levis, Hell just his smile does me in.

My guy is older than me. All the guys I have ever been with have been older. I am feeling this intense presure to become someone that I am not. Ok the boob are nice but need a small tuck. :) Who wouldn't after kids and age. WTF I am just depressed and so down today. It not fair that I can't be happy. I want to be pretty and sexy and wanted to know how the hell to get there now after all these years of being a single mom and now finally finding a guy that I really love. I just don't get it. The pressure of life is just so insane. I am just not sure that all the feelins are the same. I don't feel it. I want it but he ain't giving it. I am the women in control. I hate always being in control. I want him to take control. I want him to want me as much as I do him. it hurts. me. Life will go on. Because it is a rainy Monday.

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