Saturday, January 29, 2005


a better day?

I have been sick since Tuesday. I missed yesterday altogether I slept the day away. I feel somewhat better today but life here as always is not the happy place we all need it to be. Is it the full moon or is it the fact that I have been sick. What is it what is causing all of this unhappiness.

Another fight. I still want to be with him eventhough he says he don't trust me right now. He said I am nymphomaniac gee I am not that bad. Yes, I like sex but what women does not. Do I want it every day, sometimes. Do I base my relationship with him on it ? Hell no! Do I think it is funny that as I type most of this he is in the very same room. What I don't get is the trust thing. Oh well.

Legally Blonde is a cute movie.
I am looking forward to getting better. My head still hurts and my belly is still upset tomorrow might be a better day.

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