Wednesday, April 14, 2004

This evening was horrible. I was feeling down then Zack had all these kids here and I just could not hadle it. One of the kids hit one of the neighbors cars with a rock. The kid was not at my house. At that time Angie decided to come out and complain about the dog and his poop. though I have been trying really hard to keep up with it I guess it needs to be more. But Angie really was pissed. I just cried I could not stop. I once again felt so over whelmed with just the littlest thing. I can't let this happen I need to get better control over my feelings. I just can't cry when my neighbor is being mean. I can't cry when my kid won't listen to me. I can cry just because I can't handle daily life. It all just sucks.

So what does Jesse do he taps me on the leg. What great support from him. Gee a little hug would of been great. We had to go to office max and then we had dinner at eat n park.

Zack pissed me off. Told him to be home by 9 he was late. Though he called

I did help Karley get her report together it looked wonderful.

I need a break how do I get it. What am I to do. I am so tired but right now I feel high. I am gonna try to relax and then try to get some sleep tonight. The 5-6 hours a night just is not enough.

I have this need to feel like being quite. I just don't feel like talking. I really just don't want to be bugged. All noise and people are just on my nerves. I hurt still but what can I do. Don't know if calling any Dr will do any good or not.

oh well. Must find time for me.

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