Monday, April 05, 2004

Man is my mind racing today. I am thinking about a million things all at once. I feel like I can get it all done. I am in fast mood. The sun is out maybe that is making me this way. My body just wants to go but yet go to what. I am getting a new chair today ok not new it is use but is will be my chair for my room. I took my tv out and gave it to the boys. I want to read more and do more with my free time than watch tv. It will be all good. Jesse asked me today if I was alright. I always yes yes for I don't want to scare him. He is scared enough of me and all the crap.

The cat is in hyper mode today. She wants out. Need to get the little thing fix so she can go out and play.

Feel likes a Friday.
Still need to get Easter ready
still need to walk or do something I have being 50lbs over weight. I am such a lazy ass.
Lots to do today.
more later.

What a day went from being in a up mood to being down pretty down. I slept for a few hours this afternoon. Of course now I am not ready for bed. Worried about work again, Worried Alex is not doing his homework and Zack always worried about him. Did talk to Jesse today did talk with doug he has been a great big help this week. I guess understands what I am going through he has been through it before.
I hurt really bad today. and the masto leasion in the middle of my back is driving me crazy. Plus I am really itchy this evening. Yikes. My voice sounds like I smoke yuck. I hate the masto. I hate the depression. I want to be happy. I want some good out of this stinking life.

I need to find out how long I am going to be off work. Ben keeps asking. I don't know which Dr to talk to about it. Guess all of them.

can't think of anything else to type tonight.
I would like more up days. So I can concentrate, get things done. My ADLS are way off. no cooking, no cleaning, took a late day shower, no strength to do any of my normal house hold work.

Was pretty short with Jesse today. I guess I am mad at him for not being here more for me.

Lets see now it has been about two months my adls are out of wack. I am hoping that with the help of the flylady program I might some motivation to get things going on.

Donna gave me a chair that was turn into church for the rumage sale. I like it a lot.
No church yesterday bugs me

My stomach is in knots right in the middle feel like I could vomit (sp)

House needs clean
Have nothing for easter for the boys
yikes this is not good.

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