Sunday, April 04, 2004

april 4

hum talked jesse into getting me a lap top. Good and bad. I will do more research now. I mush find away to get better. There has to be a way.

symptoms today

people just bugged the heck out of me. Talking to them made my skin crawl
noise can take
no bowl today. compare to last week when that is all i did
smacked zack in the arm for talking back
made this computer purchse even though we don't have the money but I will make the money some how.
i am a bit worried about my driving sometimes I seem like I am not there. I really have to concentrate when i am on the road. don't know what that is all about.
Jesse does not understand.
Called Dr Holt about time off from work. Call Met life on Friday to get the paper work goingl
I need a break I really need to get my life my brain in order.
not feeling tired today that is weird for it is the change of the clock day and usually I like to sleep on those days.
Losing my desire for food. Cereal was my food for the day today three bowls. Had a whopper after I bought the lap top.
Jesse asked me today why I was so quite last night at dinner. I don't know I was just taking it all in. really had nothing to say.
I really just wanted to go home and have sex with him but that did not happen. We got back to his place after taking Alex to his dad's and I fell asleep. Jesse tried waking me me to go home but I told him I was to tired to go home. Really I just wanted to lay next to him in bed and hope for the sex. No sex so off to sleep I went.

So I have heard the Bi Po runs in the family. They are testing Garrett and we know that Jeff has it. and who else in the family. Both sides are pretty messed up.

Why is it that every lllness that i have is upset by STRESS? this really just sucks

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